Friday, April 6, 2012

A little bit on french history

             Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in the city of Ajaccio.      

       He was one of eleven children! (fourth to be precise). Which must have made quite the interesting house hold to live in. He was allowed into military school at the age of ten, and was sent there in 1779.

By December 1793 He had been promoted to Brigadier-General. Soon after the siege of Toulon

An important part of Napoleons down fall, if not the most important would have to be the Battle of Waterloo. It took place around where Belgium would be today. It was between primarily the French and Prussian armies. Napoleon was given a huge dis-advantage from the start. Mostly due to the general area, being the snowed in area it is.

general information

Pictures of Napoleon

                   The Hundred Years War

 The hundred years war is another important part in French history I am going to cover, it was on and off, generally between 1337-1453, it was between the French, and the English.
It began with king Edward III basically claiming the throne of France, needless to say the French weren't happy with that.
The war ended in 1453 after the battle of Bordeaux, but the actual treaty stating the war was ended was signed in 1475.
Religious icon and war hero Joan of Arc fought in this war, but I will expound on that a little bit later on.

info on hundred years war

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